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By nunko/dinuz

In minor editing. If you want to help, PM me. Transcript originally by nunko/dinuz. For feedback, tips, edit permissions or stuff I might have overseen or made unclear/inaccurate (mail Mordraug or モルドラウグ), or just contact me on Discord Mordraug (ID “morudoraugu”).

Since I am careful about bots/scams, I do not accept randoms, so you should also let me know either through a message / email or join the MoeWay Discord, so I know it is someone Japanese-related.

For a VERY comprehensive list of resources covering all areas of Japanese, I wrote this Google docs document, where I also record all Japanese observations & experiences I had/read about.

Also sorry if this editing style gives you headaches, I like to highlight things so they are visible:D

It came to my attention that there exist copies of the transcript on webpages (currently, it is just copies of this transcript as it is), so now you can simply use them (such as in case this lags etc. + it is much easier to use), there are these two: - credit to Kellen - this one is amazing, recommend using it. - credit to onlyduyy - a less sophisticated, raw version, currently, duyy recommends to use Kellen’s version, but I’ll put it here just in case and all since it’s still really useful in case something happens etc.

Thank you for taking the time to create these sites.


If you want to download this whole document, unfortunately due to Google Docs limitations, you cannot download the PDF and EPUB file forms since the document is too big for it, so it will not trigger the download, the way I found is to download the Word form and then convert it to a PDF, which mostly works, but the images will have worse quality unless you use some quality software & it will be somewhat blurry; also no Yomitan / 10ten (tho can use Yomininja - must-have tool imo) The formatting of the text might also be a bit screwed up there, but should be good enough.

However, “AlekDavid_” came up with a pretty simple solution and that is to simply divide the transcript into parts and put them as links here, which will enable direct PDF, EPUB etc. download. So, here they are (the file sizes are still quite big though):

Full Transcript (YOU ARE HERE)

Cure Dolly Complete Grammar Series Transcript (in minor editing)

Lessons 1-25

Lessons 26-50

Lessons 51-75

Lessons 76-97

If you want to download this massive transcript in PDF etc., click on these links and click Download as PDF etc. up in the “File” tab. It might still take roughly 20 seconds for the download to initiate, but it should work fine. This also might be useful if this full instance of the transcript lags for you. I suppose it should lag less there. You could then merge the PDFs I suppose if you want one whole transcript file.

For original Google Docs only, not for this website

Alas, this is the G-Docs limitation. If you had an idea of putting the Transcript elsewhere or such, you can let me know, but it is outside of my ability to host a site or the like unfortunately.

Be free to archive the entire document if anything happens to this one & can share it on MoeWay etc. (give me and Nunko credit/don’t change it too much please, but can fix mistakes/improve etc.).

Unfortunately, I cannot make the document public on search engines, just through a link directly. So the best way is to simply share the link elsewhere, not sure why Google changed this…

I would like to add more videos and even archive the comments under the videos just in case in the future, but alas I am really burned out. It would take a LOT of work so I am not feeling it now. If anyone ever felt like doing it and helping, let me know, you are free to do so & help is welcome!

Note: I use notes to clear up stuff I deem confusing/typos etc., going from what Dolly says herself mostly.

You can always spot my notes through the italic non-bold purple colour (this version).

I include links too, which are in blue (click on the blue text & then on the link to use it...can try it!)

I mostly removed the bolded style because it was quite bloated and it was recommended to me to do it.

The notes are there just as a bonus (originally for myself) and something to maybe keep in mind and look further into on your own. They’re NOT absolute, nor do I claim to understand stuff better, take them with a LOT of salt, I’m just a passionate learner who wants to help. I am aware they might be misleading / have factual errors in them, since my Japanese ability is still largely limited.

Please let me know of any mistakes I say in them / elsewhere, I never change Dolly’s text.

Dolly tends to explain specifics more in-depth in the comments of the videos, so always look there first if in doubt. Provided it was mentioned & Dolly responded to it, but I would not take her as gospel too much. Since she is no longer here, we cannot ask her to elaborate on stuff, do not get me wrong, she was clearly knowledgeable, but due to her course being mostly aimed at beginners, stuff is often somewhat simplified which might later on cause misunderstandings hence why I say this.

But, do refer to her word over mine. I do tend to sometimes speculate in my notes and go on long essays in them about how I understand things, but obviously that is just me speculating and looking up some sources online for it that SEEM to suggest it, I do it for myself mainly, I do not intend to undermine Dolly or such with them. You should take my long speculating notes with some skepticism. Moreover, they are fully optional so you can skip them.

The normal underline marks important info by Dolly or to highlight discussed parts of sentences. But, I am not too sure about it, so it’s not every lesson for now… feedback would be welcome!

If the pictures don’t want to load, just wait for some time and they should load eventually. Let me know if you see white lines or glitching while scrolling (especially in the later half of the document) as I switched to the pageless mode which seems more fitting for a document this huge. After some testing, it seems to be due to a bloated browser (when you use lots of extensions like I do, and keep all your Cache/Cookies always etc.) so you can try letting it load a bit or simply clear your Cache/browser (it will sign you off), or you may have an unstable Internet connection or such. Yomitan by TheMoeWay works for Google Docs, so use it; or you can use 10ten/Rikaichamp (or both). Since Yomichan ended development, it will likely become incompatible in the future and Yomitan continues its legacy now. RIP Legend. Another continuation is Yomibaba, if anything happens to Yomitan. However, Yomitan cannot scan differently modified text, e.g. 歩く / 歩く / 歩く (く is italic) so scanning both will result in Yomitan not being able to scan both at once… I do not know why this is, if you know please PM me… however, 10ten/Rikaichamp is completely fine with scanning this, so use that one then.

In Memory of Cure Dolly

Hello, everyone. My name is Cure Dolly and I am here to teach you Organic Japanese. What is Organic Japanese? It is Japanese pure and simple, with no harmful additives. Japanese is the simplest, most logical, most easily understandable language I have ever encountered – much easier than Western languages.

But you wouldn’t know that if you try to learn it from Western textbooks or Japanese learning websites. Why not? Because they don’t teach Japanese structure. They teach English structure and then try to force Japanese into it. And it doesn’t fit, and it doesn’t work very well. That is the main reason, I think, why so many people give up Japanese. The Western system makes it seem complicated, full of strange exceptions and odd rules that you have to memorize. And none of this is true if you learn the language the way it really is.

So, this course is not just for people beginning Japanese. It’s very good for those people – this is the best way to start. But if you’ve been learning Japanese for a while and you find yourself getting confused by things, it would be very good to watch this series and learn from the start the way Japanese should have been explained in the first place. All right, let’s get started.